Tuesday 24 February 2015

Y12 Section B

Afternoon Y12 Media!

Just recapping the work for Section B.  Don't forget to record all your work on your blog!

Part One: Initial research

Research general and background information of your chosen contemporary media institution (film company):
1.Explain how/when the film company was founded/formed.
2.How the size of the company compare to other film companies.
3.Discuss the films they have produced/marketed.
4.Discuss the genre of the films they have produced.
5.Discuss if they target a particular audience for their films.

Part Two: Market

Research the range of marketing methods your film company has used to market your chosen films.

1. Explain in detail the marketing method(s) which have been used to market each film.

2. If they vary explain your thoughts to why the film company has done this.

3. Discuss the target audience and how the marketing relates to them.

4. Discuss the film company’s use of cross-media convergence how successful do you think it is in
marketing of each film – explain your thoughts in detail.

Part Two: Market    … Continued…
1. Research and analyse the film posters your chosen company has used to market the films which
you have selected to focus on.
2. Research the trailers for each film you are studying. Analyse the Mise-en-scene, music and
camera techniques used (movements/angles and shots).

Part Three: Technology
1. Describe in detail the range of technologies the film company uses.
2. Discuss how the technology has changed/developed over time and what impact it has had on the
film company as well as the film industry in general.
3. Explain your thoughts and opinions to the developments of digital technologies in the film
industry.  Considering whether it has improved the quality of the films produced, it is limited due to
funding/costs, etc.
4. Discuss the film company’s use of technological convergence and how successful do you think it is
in the making and marketing of each film – explain your thoughts in detail.

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