Monday 10 November 2014


A helpful link for magazine design presentation and key words.

Hello Y12s

Please have a look at this link below.  It will help you with the codes, conventions and key words when you're designing and planning your music magazine both the initial designs and the final piece.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Morning Yr10s,
I hope you had a good half term break!  Today we are going to start analyzing representations and ethnicity in Madonna's 'Like a Prayer' video.

Create additional Perfect Powerpoint slides to explain and illustrate the follow:
1. Title Slide: Analyzing representations and ethnicity:  Madonna's 'Like a Prayer' video.
2.  Identify all the representations used in the video.
3.  Identify the ethnic groups used in the video - linking it to ethnic diversity and tokenism.
4.  Explain whether you think the representation of ethnicity is presented fairly in the video.
5.  In your opinion do think the representation of ethnicity portrayed in the video is acceptable to the modern (todays) outlook of ethnicity.

Remember to explain all your answers and justify your reasons.  Also use screen shots from the video to help you justify and illustrate your points.

Monday 3 November 2014

Homework:  Complete your school magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread on Scribus.  Analyse 4 music magazines of different genres;  the front cover, contents page and a double page spread of each magazine.  Remember to blog each stage of your work!
Morning Y12s!
Today you are going to research your chosen music genre for your magazine.  Create an electronic moodboard showing magazine covers, imagery, keywords and fonts associated with your chosen genre.  Create 6 initial annotated sketches for your magazine cover layout.