Tuesday 30 September 2014

Wednesday 1st October 2014 AS Media

Hello Y12s,  You need to complete your magazine front cover on Adobe Photoshop; making sure it has both imagery and text. Then use Scribus to design a contents page and a double page spread for the school magazine.  Remember to record every step of the design process on your blog.

Yr10 Homework

Hello Year 10s, please bring in any old music magazines which can be cut up for a research board. Group one will be on the Macs next lesson - so remember your pen drive/memory stick!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

welcome year tens: Please watch Madonna's Like A Prayer video and make notes. You will be asked to answer these questions on your blog.
1. What mood does the colours in the video instill?
2. What character do you think Madonna is playing?
3. What do you like about the video?
MA - Ext: Are there any recognisable symbols in the video?

Leftfield/Bambaataa - Afrika Shox

Madonna - Like A Prayer